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8. When the weight adjustment is correct, lock the weight with the Allen key that is supplied with the machine.


You are now ready to clean records!




Most of the popular record cleaning solutions that are designed for "wet machine" use will produce good results with the Loricraft Audio Cleaning 
System. Some solutions may work better than others and after experimenting you will likely settle on the formula that produces the best results.

A sample of the SMART "Regular Microgroove Cleaning Fluid" is supplied with each new PRC3 machine. This fluid should be used ONLY with Lp 
vinyl records because it contains a small mount of alcohol.. This solution may damage acetate, shellac or lacquer 78 RPM records and must be 
avoided.  For 78's we recommend our special "Mild" record cleaning solution that contains no alcohol.



Place the record on the turntable and push the MOTOR switch to the ON position. While the record is rotating, squirt about 5 ml of fluid onto 

the record surface avoiding the paper label area. Hold the nylon brush perpendicular to the record and work the fluid into the grooves. No pressure is 
required as the brush is used only to spread the fluid. Avoid using too much fluid because the centrifugal force of the rotating turntable will "sling" 
the fluid off the record and onto the machine top cover. If this happens simply wipe up the surplus with a paper tissue (Kleenex). Make sure the 
grooves are thoroughly covered with cleaning fluid.


Place the vacuum arm on the "wrong" side of the record on the paper label. 
While the turntable is moving in a clockwise direction, the arm is positioned 
against the rotation. Turn the ARM switch and the PUMP switch to the ON 
position. The vacuum arm will traverse the record in approximately 60 seconds. 
When the arm reaches the outside rim of the record it will ride up the ridge and 
move off the record. Turn the ARM and PUMP switches OFF when cleaning is 



Do not be concerned if the nylon thread has some slack, or a small loop, while moving across the record. The surplus thread will be sucked into 

the evacuation tube at the end of the cleaning cycle.  This will happen when the arm runs off the record. You will see the thread tighten.



Turn the record over to clean the other side. Rotate the nylon thread spool counter-clockwise a few millimeters to provide slack in the thread 

and to provide fresh thread for the next cleaning. Repeat the cleaning procedure for the second side of the record.
