Sun. Water.
Kroegerskoppel 7, 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg, Germany, Tel. +49 (0) 4193 7548 - 0, Fax - 29,
All specifi cations and information are given with good intent, errors are possible and products may be subject to change without notice. Pictures may
differ from actual products depending on local market requirements and regulations.
5 Receipt,Storage and Handling
Table 1: Controller packing list
# Item
1 PSk2 controller
1 unit
2 Key for front door
1 unit
3 Mini plug for accessories
3 pcs
4 Sun Switch module 1.5 Wp
1 unit
Check on receipt that the packaging is undamaged and
complete. If any abnormity is found, contact your distribu-
tor. Check you delivery according to the following table.
LORENTZ pumps are supplied from the factory in proper
packing in which they should remain until they are to be
installed at the site. Handle the pump with care and avoid
unnecessary impacts and shocks.
CAUTION – Do not attempt to use
the controller for any purpose
other than LORENTZ PSk2 Pump
Systems Do not attempt to run the
motor without the controller
Prolonged intermediate storage in an environment of high
humidity and fluctuating temperatures must be avoided.
Moisture condensation may damage metal parts. Non-com-
pliance will void any warranty. It is recommended storing
the parts in a closed and dry room.
The motor, the pump end and controller can be stored
(not used) in the range of –20 °C to +65 °C (–4 °F to
+149 °F). The components should not be exposed to direct
6 Operating Conditions
Table 2: Permitted ambient temperatures
Max temperature
–30 °C to +50 °C –22 °F to +122 °F
Pump unit (pump
end + motor)
0 °C to +50 °C
+32 °F to +122 °F
Fluid temperature
0 °C to +70 °C
+32 °F to +158 °F
Fluid temperature
0 °C to +90 °C
+32 °F to +194 °F
Pump location
– The pump should be sited in a well-ven-
tilated and frostfree position. The distance between the
pump unit and other objects should be at least 150 mm / 6”
to ensure proper air circulation. If installed outside, the
pump must be protected from rain and direct sunlight. This
will increase the durability of the pump.
Humidity and air salinity
– The pump system must not
be stored or operated where the average day humidity is
above 80 %. It should not be stored or operated within
1 km / 0.6 miles of coastal regions or in saline air (more
than 2 μg/m³).
– The pump system must not be installed at alti-
tudes above +3,000 m / +10,000 ft mean sea level (other
altitudes on request).
– PSk2 CS-F/CS-G pumps can be used for drinking
water supply, livestock watering and irrigation applications
not containing solid or long fibred particles larger than
sand grains, with a max. grain size of 2 mm. The max.
permitted sand content is 50 ppm, a higher sand content
will reduce the pump life considerably due to wear. The
max. salt content is 300 – 500 ppm at max. 30 °C / 85 °F.
Defects due to pumping other liquids are not covered by
the warranty.