Sun. Water.
Kroegerskoppel 7, 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg, Germany, Tel. +49 (0) 4193 7548 - 0, Fax - 29,
All specifi cations and information are given with good intent, errors are possible and products may be subject to change without notice. Pictures may
differ from actual products depending on local market requirements and regulations.
11 Initial Start-up
CAUTION – Never start the pump if
it is not filled with water and has
not been vented The pump and
suction pipe must be fully filled
with clean water
11 2 Rotary direction
WARNING – Never let the pump run
dry, not even for the purpose of
checking the direction of rotation!
Switch on the power supply and look at the rotary direction
by looking at the motor fan. An arrow on the pump unit
indicates the correct direction of the rotation.
Viewed from the top,
CS-F pumps turn counterclockwise
CS-G pumps turn clockwise
CAUTION – When the pump is
installed the correct rotational
direction can be determined by
measuring the flow rates
11 3 Final check up
Check whether the foundation bolts are fastened, the
pump and suction pipes are completely filled with water,
the voltage of the power supply is correct and that the
pump turns correctly. Make sure all pipelines are connected
tightly and can supply water normally. Be sure there is not
a closed valve or other obstruction in the water line.
After physically installing the pump, make sure to setup the
parameters correctly using PumpScanner. Depending on the
pump system, up to 30% more water can be pumped by
configuring the
11 1 Filling pump with water
The pump and the whole suction pipe must be fully filled
with clean water.
If the water level is higher than the pump inlet:
Close the gate valve in the outlet pipe and loosen
the air vent screw.
Open the gate valve in the suction pipe slowly.
Tighten the air vent screw when water streams out
If the water level is lower than the pump inlet:
Suction pipeline and pump must be filled with water.
Close the gate valve in the outlet pipe and open the
gate valve in the suction pipeline.
Loosen the air vent screw and fill the water into the
Fasten the air vent screw after the pump and the
suction pipeline are completely filled with water.
In open systems where the liquid surface is below the level
of the pump the water injection hole can be used.
CAUTION – For larger diameter
pipes the suction pipe should be
primed separately from the pump
Installing a filler pipe makes this
easier The pump must be fully
primed after the suction pipe is full
CAUTION – A check valve must be
installed at the beginning of the
inlet pipeline
WARNING – Do not start the pump
until it has been filled completely
with water
WARNING – Make sure that the
installed shutoff valves in the
suction and pressure lines are
completely open during operation,
since the pump must never be
allowed to run with shutoff valves
Figure 28: Vent and drain holes
Air vent hole
Water drain hole