4.2.5 Ping Watchdog
System Configuration -> Ping Watchdog
This menu allows to configure system to reboot on kernel panic, when an IP address does not
respond, or in case the system has locked up. Software watchdog timer is used to provide the
last option, so in very rare cases (caused by hardware malfunction) it can lock up by itself. There
is a hardware watchdog device available in all Router BOARD PowerPC which can reboot the
system in any case.
Ping Watchdog
Enable/Disable the function to access
IP Address 1
Enter the IP address to be pinged.
Ping Frequency
Set the number of seconds to be Pinged.
Failed Tries
Enter the number of permitted times for the ping to be failed before power reboot.
For example "2" means the CPE will reconnect if the PING doesn't respond for
If the remote IP address does not respond to Ping the device will power reboot.
It saves the changed settings.
When you set the Ping Frequency to every "120" seconds and Fail Tries to "2". It means the User
will ping every 120 seconds, after the second failure, it will reconnect.