Chapter 5 Terminal Operation IP6702A TDMoEthernet
Loop Telecommunication International, Inc.
Log on
Follow the procedures below to log on:
When the Loop-IP6702A is powered on, the main menu will appear as shown below:
IP6702A === Main Menu === 12:05:14 01/18/2016
Serial Number : 3 Device Name : IP6702A (OCXO)
Hardware Version: Ver.A FPGA:1(DC) Start Time : 12:00:55 01/18/2016
Software Ve rsion: V1.01.01 (0172) Connect port: TELNET_1
C -> System Display
J -> Bundle Display
B -> Clock Source Display
Q -> Alarm Queue Summary
R -> Currently -Active Alarm Summary
G -> SFP Status
P -> Choose Port
F -> Log Off [SETUP],[MISC] Menu
O -> Log On [SETUP],[MISC] Menu
>>SPACE bar to refresh or enter a command ===>
to log on. The system will request for user name and password, the user name is ADMIN and
the password is LOOP.
IP6702A E1 === Main Menu === 12:06:00 01/18/2016
Serial Number : 506 Device Name : IP6702A (TCXO)
Hardware Version: Ver.B FPGA:3(12) Start Time : 12:00:20 01/18/2016
Softwa re Version: V1.03.02 (0023) Connect port: TELNET_2
F -> Log Off
O -> Log On
>>SPACE bar to refresh or enter a command ===>