Maintenance Functions
The following features are not normally adjusted unless directed by LRS.
Paging Types in Mixed Systems
When using different types of pagers, be sure that alphanumeric pagers are numbered higher than the non-
alphanumeric pagers.
Setting Crossover Points
This function is used to set the crossover points where non-alphanumeric end and alphanumeric pagers
begin. Crossover points must be set using the following rules:
The default crossover point for Staff Pagers is 50.
• 50 and above are Alpha Pagers.
• Below 50 is for Star Pagers.
The default crossover point for Guest Pagers is 100.
• 100 and above for Alpha Coasters.
• Below 100 for Coaster Call and Paddle pagers (AdverTeaser).
To change the crossover points:
1. Press Setup
2. Press F1 (MORE) until asked for the authorization code
3. Type 5-6-7-8-9
4. Press F1 until the display shows 3: POCSAG Start on the menu
5. Press 3 (3: POCSAG Start)
6. For Staff Alpha Pagers, press the associated number key, press ENTER
Choose number from 1 – 9999. Press ENTER to keep a default value - 50.
7. After accepting value, screen will move to Guest Pagers.
8. For Guest Alpha Pagers, press the associated number key, press ENTER. Starting value from 1 – 9999.
System ID
The System ID is used to prevent interference when more than one paging system is in use in a small geo-
graphical area (e.g., next door). USE ONLY AT THE DIRECTION OF LRS.
To set the ID:
1. Press Setup.
2. Press F1 (MORE) until you are asked for the authorization code.
3. Now type 5-6-7-8-9.
4. Press the F1 (MORE) until the display shows 2: Set Rest ID.
5. Press the 2 (2: Set Rest ID).
6. When the display shows Rest ID = XXX (XXX is 0 - 999) enter the desired number.
7. Press the Enter key.
8. Press F1 (OK).
If the transmitter ID is changed you must also program the pagers to match.
Long Range Systems
T7400 User Manual