Many states have implemented new motor ve-
hicle licensing requirements for young driv- ers.
These requirements are in response to the dis-
proportionately high rate of crashes involving
youthful drivers. As with automobiles, super-
vise younger drivers and consider setting rules
and putting limits on how, when, and where
this vehicle can be used.
Passenger requirements
This vehicle is designed for the operator and
one passenger. Allowing passengers to ride im-
properly can lead to serious injury or death. As
the operator, you are responsible for your pas-
Your passenger must be able to place both
feet on the floorboard while seated up-
right with his/her back against the
Your passenger must be able to reach and
hold the handholds.
Allow only one passenger in the vehicle
and only in the designated passenger seat.
Do not carry any other passengers. Do not
carry passengers in the cargo bed.
Do not allow someone to ride as a pas-
senger who has been using drugs or alco-
Do not allow children who need child