Cutting gun
: 1. Check the consumable parts for damage, if worn
, replace it.
2. Turn off the power source before check or remove c
utting gun parts.
when operating the torch in a normal condition, a small amount of gas vents
through the gap between the shield cup and the torch handle,
Do not attempt to over tighten the shield cup as irreparable damage to i
nternal components may result.
F. Arc shuts off during operation; arc will not restart when torch
switch is activated.
1. Power Supply is overheated, let unit cool down for at least 5 minutes. Make sure
the unit has not been operated beyond Duty Cycle limit. Refer to Section 2 for
duty cycle specifications.
2. Gas pressure too low, check source for at least 4bar/60psi; adjust as needed. It is
need to open the machine cover.
3 Torch consumables worn, check torch shield cup, tip, starter element, and
electrode; replace asneeded.
4. Faulty components in unit:, return for repair or have qualified technician repair
per Service Manual.
G. No gas flow; the power lamp on; fan operates
1. Gas not connected or pressure too low, check gas connections. Adjust gas
pressure to proper settin
H. Torch cuts but low quality
1. Current (A) control set too low, increase current setting.
2. Torch is being moved too fast across workpiece, reduce cutting speed.
3. Excessive oil or moisture in torch, hold torch 1/8 inch (3 mm) from clean surface
while purging and observe oil or moisture buildup (do not activate torch). If there
are contaminants in the gas, additional filtering may be needed.