Go to
www .logitech .com
for more detailed
information on configuring and using your mouse
setting profiles. Help is also available as you navigate
through the configuration panel in Setpoint’s
advanced software for the G9.
Your G9 can store up to 5 profiles of mouse settings
in on-board memory on your mouse hardware, but
when using the Setpoint
software, you can save
many more profiles on your hard drive. Out of the
box, your G9 comes with 3 pre-configured profiles
in on-board memory. You can store up to 2 more
on your mouse (choose from the profiles you create
in software), or reduce down to a single profile on
your mouse.
There are many mouse settings that can be
configured in a profile. These include:
Button assignments
Keyboard macros assignable to mouse
DPI settings (dpi levels, number of dpi levels)
LED display color (choose from broad color
Report rate (125-1000 reports/second)
You need to have Setpoint
installed in order to
configure your profiles. However, once you set up
and save a profile, you can designate up to five of
your profiles to be “burned” into your G9’s on-board
memory. If you use your mouse on another PC or
un-install Setpoint
, your mouse settings for those
profiles will still work on your G9. (Note: There are
a few special settings that can only work while
is running on your PC; in the case you
choose a setting where this is true, Setpoint
notify you.)
With Setpoint
running, you can also enable
Application Detection if you choose. When
Application Detection is running, the profiles in
on-board memory are not necessarily active (unless
you specify application-specific behavior for them).
You will not be able to toggle between profiles using
your mouse switching buttons.
There will be a main profile on your mouse (Profile
1 shipped out-of-box) that will be enabled for all
applications when Application Detection is running.
This main profile can be edited. You can then
designate additional profiles in your Profile Library
to run when your PC detects a specific application
or game running. Your mouse will automatically
employ the designated profile settings once it
detects the corresponding application. In all other
applications where a specific profile is not specified,
the mouse will employ the main profile behavior.