NMP – User Guide, Version 3.00
This setting controls what happens when a key on the keyboard
is pressed. When false, the border of the key will be highlighted.
When true, a larger version of the key will be shown above the
key, showing what key has been pressed, when hidden by the
It true, a buttons is available on the keyboard to insert new lines
when writing messages. Note that this means that application on
the RTCU must handle the possibility of new lines (CR+LF) in
the message.
Path to keyboard layout file. If not supplied, the default keyboard
layout is used.
The keyboard layouts are stored in simple text files where each
line in the file is a line on the keyboard, and each character in the
file is a key on the keyboard. The bottom line of the keyboard
with Shift, space etc. can not be changed.
Waypoint symbols
Two things are needed for a waypoint symbol. An image to display, and a definition to make
the symbol available.
The image for a symbol is a series of 32 bit BMP files with transparency in 6 different sizes,
, where image 1 is the smallest and image 6 is the largest. The
images must be stored in the
\SD Card\Res\icons\POI\
folder along with the images for
the other symbols.
Most image editors does not support writing BMP files with transparency, but some do,
including GIMP (
The definition of the symbols are stored in the file
. Each line is a definition of a symbol, starting with
the ID, then the localized name, ending with the common name of the images(the part without
the number).
Some images in the NMP software can be replaced to make it possible to change the identity
to better fit with other devices. The following images in
\SD Card\nmp\
can be replaced:
: The logo used in the about dialog.
Connection status icons.
These images are ordinary
files and can be created with most image editing programs.
The sound files must be stored as PCM encoded
files(Waveform Audio File Format).
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