Simplex Elite Mat Cutter
Instruction Manual
Model 750-1 760-1
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515
Hooks or Curves
Blade depth set too deep.
Blade is dull.
Blade is catching on previous cut in Slip Sheet.
Uneven pressure being applied to Cutting Head
during cut.
Overcut on Top Cut
Blade depth set too deep.
Overcut on Bottom Cut
If too small - align start and stop indicator slightly below
pencil line and cut.
If too big - align start and stop indicator slightly above pencil
line and cut.
Mat Borders Uneven
Mat Guide is not parallel.
Ragged Bevel Cut
Cutting without a Slip Sheet.
Slip Sheet is worn out.
Not changing the blade often enough.
Not Cutting Through
Machine not on a level surface.
Not using a Slip Sheet that is as least as long as the mat you
are cutting.
Blade depth set too shallow.
Trouble Shooting
Helpful Hints
Avoid Board Warp -
Always store
your mat cutter flat.
Clean Guide Rail -
Only use
evaporative solvents such as lighter
fluid or alcohol. Do not lubricate the
guide rail: lubricants will soften the
nylon guides and cause them to bind
on guide rail.
Cutting a Border Less Than 3/4”
Mark mat (back side) using a pencil
and do not use mat guide.
Blade Life -
Use only authentic
Logan blades to ensure best results.
No two blades last the same amount
of time. Size of mats and differences
in mat board effect blade life. It is best
practice to use a new blade whenever
starting a new project.
Logan Graphic Products, Inc. (“Logan”) warrants the 750-1/760-1 SIMPLEX ELITE to be free from defects in parts and workmanship for
a period of two years from the date of original purchase. Logan warrants that it will either repair or replace, in its sole discretion, any
necessary replacement parts found to be defective. Should the product need to be returned to Logan for repair or replacement parts,
authorization for any return must come from Logan in writing. Costs of returning the product to Logan, including insurances, shall be
borne by the purchaser. Logan shall not be liable for any damages or losses, incidental or consequential, direct or indirect, arising from
the use of this product. This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and is not assignable or transferable. This warranty is in
lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied.
Be advised that any Logan products purchased as “new” from an unauthorized
dealer, such as an online auction site or similar, may be void of their warranty.
Logan Graphic Products, Inc.
1100 Brown Street Wauconda, IL 60084 | 800-331-6232 847-526-5515