Simplex Elite Mat Cutter
Instruction Manual
Model 750-1 760-1
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515
8-Ply Bevel Cutting Instructions
6. Attach the 8-ply cutter to the guide rail by fitting the black nylon
guides over the raised edge of the channel.
7. Position the cutter so the GREEN start line lines up with the
marked line closest to the top of the pencil line
(Fig. 31)
8. With left hand, depress the anti-crawl pin and firmly pivot the
blade holder down into the mat.
NOTE: It is essential to keep even, downward pressure on
the Blade Holder as you cut.
9. Release the anti-crawl pin and, with two hands, pull the cutting
head toward you until RED stop line lines up with bottom pencil
(Fig. 32)
10. Rotate the blade holder back up to the neutral position and
turn the mat 1/4 to the right. Complete this for the remaining
three sides.
Helpful Hints
• Use two hands to cut.
• Setting blade depth too deep can result in blade tip chipping off.
• Change blade often.
• Use one blade corner when cutting 8-Ply.
• If you do not cut through the mat, repeat cut.
• If your overcuts are too long or too short, start & stop inside or outside
start/stop lines to adjust.
Adjust Nylon Guides
(use Phillips Screwdriver)
To improve straightness of cut, you may need to adjust the guides
fit on guardrail.
1. Hook cutter onto rail.
2. Loosen guide screws.
(Fig 33)
3. Squeeze guide against rail.
4. Retighten guide screws.
Fig. 32
Fig. 31
Fig. 33