© 2014
LNR Precision Par EndFedz Antennas and QRP Transceivers
Quick guide manual
At the development base of the digital signal processing unit, an algorithm is embedded for IQ processing of
the channels with phase suppression of the unwanted side-band channel.
Unit CPU \ DSP performs the following functions:
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Digital signal processing
Frequency synthesizer
Full control of the transceiver with direct conversion / SDR /
Due to its small dimensions and light weight this transceiver is suitable for any portable or stationary
This unit contains:
-CPU STM32F407,
-NS -24 bit ADC PCM1803,
-NS -16 bit DAC CS4338 low hissing amp
-HF-generator Si570
-1602-line LCD
-Matrix of buttons
The unit has electronic CW Iambic key, SWR meter and output power wattmeter.
Functions that this unit performs are separate and switchable for reception / transmission.
They are displayed on the screen display as RX / TX with symbols.
The LD5 is capable of firmware update via USB port. See LNR web page for instructions.
How to order:
LNR Website www.LNRprecision.com
Emmision Modes: SSB, CW , DIGITAL
5W output power typ.
Very low noise floor due to DDC input stage
The unit has an electronic CW Iambic A/B keyer,
SWR meter and output power wattmeter.
High stability Si 570 generator
Split-frequency operation
PTT can be switched by connecting PTT to ground
RX/TX switching:
push PTT input to ground
Output SWR indicator
Optimal output power indicator
Integrated Sequencer
TX 3 band EQ – presets for bass, middle and treble