From the main menu, scroll the screens to the left or right until displaying the
submenu. Press the touch-screen for half a second to access the 3
diagnostics pages, showing all the values controlled/acquired by the system
Cabinet internal temperature (°C, °F)
Head comp:
Internal compressor’s head temperature (°C, °F)
Motor power:
Compressor’s motor power consumption (W)
Press. Comp.
: Internal compressor generated pressure (psi, bar)
Press. N2 #1
: N2 #1 outlet pressure (psi, bar)
Press. N2 #2:
N2 #2 outlet pressure (psi, bar)
Press. AIR
: Dry Air outlet pressure (psi, bar)
- Firmware version of the LCD
- Firmware version of the main board
If enabled, in Diagnostic pages are available some data about the UEO
module enabled to measure the N2 outlet flow:
N2 Out Pres:
Value of pressure measured (psi, bar)
N2 Flow:
Value of flow measured (l/min)
O2 Residual:
N2 purity referred to the percentage of O2 residual (%)
If this function has not been activated by the manufacturer or is not available,
the display shows the message “
If enabled, in Diagnostic pages are also available some data about the
Inverter enabled to show its last three faults:
Inv. Fault 1 (2 or 3):
with value “0” there are no errors detected. With a value
different than “0” the system is signalling the type of error
If this function has not been activated by the manufacturer or is not available,
the display shows the message “
From the main menu, scroll the screens to the left or right until displaying the
submenu. Press the touch-screen for half a second to access a page displaying the
system counters
Life Time
: Generator life time
Work Time
: Total generator production timed
Energy consumed
Service 1
: number of hours remaining until the next “7999” service 1
Service 2
: number of hours remaining until the next “19999” service 2
Service 3
: number of hours remaining until the next “39999” service 3
Operating manual NG(A) CASTORE XS iQ