Care and Maintenance
The level of electrolyte should be
checked once in a month. In case of a
normal decrease (0,5 cm) put in dis-
tilled water only so as to reach the up-
per level indicated on the battery. If
there is a marked drop in the electro-
lyte level (1 cm or more) have the bat-
tery checked at an authorised LML as-
sistance centre.
1 . Ba t te r y s h o u ld be r e mo v e d i f th e v e h icl e
is t o b e w a s h e d ly in g o n its s ide .
Use only 8 Amp fuse to prevent serious damage
to the wiring harness & battery. Ignition switch
should be in "off" position while replacing fus
Removal and refitting the battery
4.2.1 Turn the ignition key to "off" position.
4.2.2 Remove the left hand side cowl as ex-
plained on page 30.
4.2.3 Remove the screw securing ground cable
(black) connected to the negative (–) bat-
tery terminal by using the end of the
screw driver from your tool kit. (Fig. 45)
4.2.4 Similarly follow the procedure for remov-
ing the red cable connected to the posi-
tive (+) battery terminal.
4.2.5 Remove the battery and the acid dis-
charge tube.
4.2.6 Detach the fastener belt and take out the
Ke e p t h e ba t te r y a n d bl e e de r tu b e a w a y fr o m
th e v e h ic le to a v oi d a n y d a ma g e t o th e
p ai n t ed s u r f ac e of t h e s co o te r du e to l e ak a g e
o r s pi lla g e o f b a tt e r y e le c tr o ly te .
4.3.1 Clean the battery box.
Fig. 44