Safety and Maintenance
Laser Safety
The Gocator 2490 sensor used in the Legal for Trade system contains a semiconductor
laser that emits visible light. It is designated as Class 2.
Gocator sensors are referred to as components, indicating that they are sold only to
qualified customers for incorporation into their own equipment. These sensors do not
incorporate safety items that the customer may be required to provide in their own
equipment (e.g., remote interlocks, key control; refer to the references below for detailed
information). As such, these sensors do not fully comply with the standards relating to laser
products specified in IEC 60825-1 and FDA CFR Title 21 Part 1040.
Class 2 laser components are considered to be safe, provided that:
The user’s blink reflex can terminate exposure (in under 0.25 seconds).
Users do not need to look repeatedly at the beam or reflected light.
Exposure is only accidental.
Gocator Legal for Trade User Manual