Installation Instructions
• Switch ON the Main Switch. After switching ON the switch, LED in power adaptor will glow and unit
will start working.
• Allow water to Flush/Drain from all filters by removing the outlet pipe of each filter.
• While flushing filters kindly ensure water is not spilled onto any Electrical/Electronic part to avoid
failure. If so then switch OFF the Mains and soak the water with the help of a cloth from
Electrical/Electronic Part and allow it to dry.
• Check for any leakage from piping & fittings/loose fittings. If any pipe is found loose then reinsert it
into the connector to avoid leakage later.
• Take front cover and connect the Display PCB connector and fix it.
• Check the function of Display PCB. It should be in working condition.
• Allow water storage tank to fill completely and discard the first fill. You may use this water for
Floor/Utensils Cleaning and Gardening of Plants instead of draining.
1. Antiscalant Cartridge
The Antiscalant Cartridge chelates scale causing salts in water to prevent scaling on membrane
layers. It results in improved purification capacity and increased life of membrane.
2. Sediment Filter
Sediment Filter removes coarse and fine suspended dirt impurities from water and makes water clean.
3. Pre Activated Carbon Filter
It adsorbs residual chlorine and hazardous impurities like pesticides, herbicides, THM’s etc. from
water. It also adsorbs bad taste, color and odor causing organic compounds from water.
4. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membrane
The water is passed through RO membrane at high pressure, RO Membrane removes Bacteria, Virus
and Protozoa and reduces Dissolved Salts, Hardness, Pesticides and heavy metals from water like
5. Ultra Filtration Cartridge
Effectively removes Bacteria, Cysts like Giardia and Cryptosporidium etc. from water. It also makes
water sparkling clear by removing fine suspended impurities.
6. Silver Impregnated Post Carbon Cartridge
It enhances the taste and quality of purified water by removing volatile organic impurities.