E v e r y l i t t l e h e l p s
6. Procedure after an accident
The child car seat must be replaced when it has been subject to
violent stresses in an accident.
It is dangerous to make any alterations or additions to the device
without the approval of the Type Approval Authority, and it is also
dangerous to not follow the installation instructions carefully.
Be sure that children are not left in their child restraint system
Be sure that any luggage or other objects liable to cause injuries in
the event of a collision are properly secured.
The child restraint shall not be used without the cover; the seat
cover should not be replaced with any other than the one
recommended by the manufacturer.
It is extremely dangerous to use any load bearing contact points
other than those described in the instructions and marked on the
child restraint.
Little Tikes Highway Group 2,3 car seat 15-36kg (33-79lb)
The Little Tikes Company. U.S. & other countries.
Used under license by Tesco Stores Ltd.
V3 190626
Problems during assembly? We are here to help:Tesco Stores Ltd. Welwyn Garden City, AL7 1GA, U.K.
Freephone Tesco on 0800 50 55 55. Tesco Ireland Ltd., Gresham House, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
Freephone 1800 248 123, Mon-Sat, 9am-6pm. TESCO QUALITY: We are happy to refund or replace any Tesco product
which falls below the high standards you expect.Just ask any member of staff.This does not affect your statutory rights.