Troubleshooting LR-4200 Receivers:
The receiver has no power
Make sure the unit has either a fully charged battery or a Listen approved wall charging transformer is
connected. Make sure the Power button on the top of the unit has been pressed to turn the unit ON.
If this does not work, make sure the battery is installed properly and / or install a replacement battery.
There is no audio
Make sure the volume control is turned up to at least 25%. Check the Intelligent Earphone/Neck Loop
Lanyard to insure it’s plugged all of the way. Make sure the Ear Phone is plugged into the Earphone/Neck
Loop Lanyard. Check to insure the transmitter is broadcasting an audio source. Verify the receiver is tuned
to the same channel as the transmitter. If the RF signal is too weak, the receiver will squelch and mute the
audio source; move closer to the antenna or make sure the transmitter’s output RF power switch is set on
“FULL” (LT-800).
The audio is distorted
Check the receiver is on the correct channel and make sure your using the clearest channel possible. Verify
the audio on the transmitter is not turned up too loud; this will cause distortion. Insure the Intelligent Ear
Phone/Neck Loop Lanyard connectors are pushed all the way into the jacks on top of the unit. Check the Ear
Phone to verify it is plugged all the way into the Ear Phone/Neck Loop Lanyard. Review the SQ™ settings on
your transmitter and receivers to verify both are turned ON (or OFF, if some of your equipment is not SQ™
capable). Make sure the receiver is not too close to the transmitting antenna. If the receiver can’t get farther
away from the antenna, turn down the RF output power on the stationary (LT-800) transmitter.
I cannot pick up the signal on the receiver
Check to make sure the receiver and the transmitter are on the same exact channel frequency. Verify the
receiver is in broadcast range of the transmitter. Move the receiver closer to the transmitter.
I can pick up the signal on the receiver, but it sounds like it’s not tuned in
Check the transmitter and receiver and verify they are both on exactly the same channel number/letter.
Make sure you are using a clear channel that is free from noise and interference.
I’m using another brand of transmitter - how do I tell which channel to use?
Refer to Listen’s Channel Frequency Chart (page 17). Adjust either the transmitter or the receiver
to a common channel.
There is not sufficient range
Inspect the transmitting antenna verify it is located as close as possible to the receiving area. Place the
antenna as high as possible and check to see it is free from obstacles. Check the squelch setting on the
unit; perhaps it is too sensitive.
When I change channels, only certain channels are accessible
The unit has been programmed to basic mode which only shows the wide band channels. The unit
can be programmed for expanded mode which will show all 32 channels. This is programmed via the
configuration software.
My battery is not charging
Verify the clear plastic pull tab has been removed from the receiver battery door engaging the battery
connections. Make sure the battery is installed properly and that the unit is plugged into the charging
device correctly. Check the charging device to verify it is plugged in the proper power outlet and
power is available at the outlet. If this does not work, install a replacement battery.
I want to run the unit from a wall transformer
Simply plug a Listen approved charging transformer (LA-423) into the Micro USB connector on the side of the
unit. A battery must be installed at all times even when operating the unit with a wall charging transformer.
L R - 4 2 0 0 R E C E I V E R M A N U A L