L R - 4 2 0 0 R E C E I V E R M A N U A L
The purpose of squelch is to mute the audio output of the receiver when the signal from the
transmitter is turned off or the level is too weak to be received. Without squelch radio noise will
be heard in the earphone. The squelch on the receiver can be adjusted to mute the audio at
different RF signal strengths. There are 20 squelch settings. The lowest squelch setting (no squelch)
is “0” and the tightest squelch setting is “20”. Your Listen receiver has been shipped to you with the
squelch setting of 3.
Useful as follows:
• To ensure that users don’t hear transmissions from other transmitters, set the squelch setting to
the highest level that doesn’t squelch the receiver in the defined listening area
• If the receiver is to close to the transmitter (i.e. in a classroom), set the squelch high enough so that
when the transmitter is turned off it immediately squelches the audio on the receiver and trans-
mitters in other rooms will not be heard
• In an area that has a lot of broadcast inference, adjust the squelch setting to a higher setting to
ensure the interference is not picked by the receiver
• For the maximum amount of range, consider setting the squelch setting to a low level (0, 1 or 2).
This expands the range but could allow interference from other transmitters when operating far
distances from the primary transmitter
Basic Channels and Expanded Channels Modes
Your Listen receiver has been shipped with the Basic Channel Mode enabled.
In the default Basic Channel Mode, only the wide band channels are available for selection. If
the channel desired is not available in Basic Channel Mode, the receiver will need to be set to
the Expanded Channel Mode. In Expanded Channel Mode all wide band and narrow band are
available for selection.
Channel Labels
The channel labels are displayed on the OLED status screen. The default is the channel number the re-
ceiver has been programmed to receive, i.e. “CH-1”. Customization of this display can be created to better
identify the type of audio, for example CH-1 could be changed to display “Spanish” if the receiver is used
for language translation.
Auto Power Mode
The auto power mode will automatically power the receiver on when the unit is removed from
the charging device, displaying the unit ID, battery status and the active channel. When the unit is
returned to the charging device the unit will automatically turn off and resume charging operation. Your
Listen receiver has been shipped to you with the Auto Power Mode enabled.