Having entered your name and e-mail address, press ‘Next’. After saving these
settings press ‘Next’ to move on.
You will then be invited to send a test e-mail. Press ‘Send’ to send or ‘Skip’ to
skip the test. If you choose to send then a test e-mail will be sent to your ‘From’
e-mail address. The result of the test will be displayed on the phone. Press
‘Return’ to finish the setup procedure. Please check your normal e-mail system
to confirm that the test e-mail is received as expected.
The settings can be changed at any time by selecting ‘Setup Wizard’ on the
normal Welcome page.
File Destination (‘To’) Address and Max Files Uploaded per
The e-mail address which is to receive the e-mails with the downloaded data is
saved on the memory of your Digidown unit. The ‘To’ e-mail address should be
where you would like the downloaded files to be sent. It may be your personal e-
mail address or an address specifically set up to receive your tachograph data
files. In the case of a specific address to receive the data files this can be an
address within your own organisation, or alternatively it can be an address for
the organisation which handles your data, e.g. a drivers’ hours analysis bureau.
Each downloaded data file is sent in a separate e-mail. You can download data
from one truck and/or card or from several trucks/cards before you upload the
The ‘To’ email address and maximum files to be sent each time you use the
Bluetooth function can be specified as follows.
Attach your Digidown unit to a PC via the USB cable. Locate the
DigidownBlueDataDestination.exe file in the ‘updates’ folder. Alternatively, if you
have not received this file, you can download a free .zip file containing this
program from www.lisledesign.com/DigidownBlue/. ‘Unzip’ or ‘extract’ the files
before running the program. Copy this file to your computer and double click to
run (no installation is required). The current settings should be displayed. Enter
the email address and file number in the relevant boxes and click ‘configure’.
Follow the on screen instructions.
Note: As each data file is uploaded successfully that file is marked as having
been sent so that it will not be sent again next time. The original file is retained
on the memory card in case it is needed in the future.
Phone Bluetooth Settings
When uploading files or testing the link between a Digidown Blue or a Digidown
CR and a phone, the phone’s Bluetooth function will need to be enabled. If it is
already on then the upload or test will go ahead. If not, some phones will ask if
you want to enable Bluetooth. Please answer ‘yes’ and the test or upload process
will continue. If you answer ‘no’, then the test or upload will fail. With other
phones it is necessary to turn Bluetooth on before starting the Digidown
application. It will generally be found under ‘Settings’ – ‘Connectivity’ or
‘Settings’ – ‘Bluetooth’