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OS 5.1
Press the "SETUP" key in the GROOVE panel to setup the mediastation functions, update new OS software, calibrate the wheels/joystick or af-
tertouch effects mode. Press the LED key near the function box field or touch the function box field in the display. (it's the same recall function)
Functions available:
A: Joystick & Wheel Calibration. This application will recall a new interface to calibrate the modulation wheels/joystick when this hardware is
not responding correctly or not in the right midi range or to configure the wheels-Joystick axis midi controls functions
B: Software Update. This application will recall a small interface for updating the mediastation OS, by WEB or CD mode.
C: Arpeggiator. This application will open a new interface to run the relative midi arpeggiator on the keyboard.
D: MIDI MATRIX. MIDI MATRIX is an application that will remap the all original midifile sounds to a new sound setup in the Midiplayer.
E: Aftertouch effect: this application will open a new interface where it is possible to assign a different midi CC for the aftertouch effects..
F: OUTPUTS LIMITER. Outputs limiter allow to setup the MAX Audio Volumes OUTS for your PA System. 100%= +25dB OUT, 60%=+0dB OUT.
G: VELOCITY CURVE SETUP. The Velocity Curve setup allow to edit the Keyboard response velocity from many different keys pressare mode.
H: SPLIT KEY. In the Split key setup is possible setup the arranger reconize chords mode range.
Wheel/Joystick calibrat.
Midi Players Remapper
Arpeggiator Tool
MIDI Monitor Tool
Software Update
Add File JPG/TXT on Perf
Aftertouch Keyb. Setup
Audio OUPUT Limiter
Keyb. Velocity Setup
Arranger Split Point Setup
Web Cam Input Setup