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Pinned Transmitter Hand Assembly
The SIP module pins may be hand or wave-soldered. The module should not be
subjected to reflow. Linx recommends wash-free manufacturing techniques. The
modules are wash-resistant, but are not hermetically sealed. If a wash is used,
a drying time, sufficient to allow the evaporation of any moisture which may have
migrated into the module, must be allowed prior to applying electrical power. If
the wash contains contaminants, transmitter performance may be adversely
affected even after drying.
SMD Transmitter Hand Assembly
The SMD version is housed in a hybrid
SMD package which has been designed
to support hand or automated reflow
techniques. The package’s primary
mounting surface is the pads located on
the bottom of the module. Since these
pads are inaccessible during mounting,
plated castellations run up the sides of the
module to facilitate solder wicking. This
allows for very quick and efficient hand
soldering for prototyping and small
volume production.
If the recommended pad placement has been followed, the pad on the board will
extend slightly past the edge of the module. Touch both the PCB pad and the
module castellation with a fine soldering tip. Tack one module corner first, then
work around the remaining attachment points being careful not to exceed the
solder times listed below.
Care should be taken, especially when hand-soldering, not to use excessive
amounts of flux as it will wick under the module and potentially impair its function.
In many cases, no-clean solder is the best choice. The modules are wash-
resistant, but are not hermetically sealed. Linx recommends wash-free
manufacturing techniques. If a wash is used, a drying time, sufficient to allow any
moisture which may have migrated into the module to evaporate, must be
allowed prior to applying electrical power. If the wash contains contaminants,
transmitter performance may be adversely affected even after drying.
PCB Pads
Soldering Iron
Figure 12: Soldering Technique
Absolute Maximum Solder Times
Hand-Solder Temp. TX +225°C for 10 Sec.
Hand-Solder Temp. RX +225°C for 10 Sec.
Recommended Solder Melting Point +180°C
Reflow Oven: +220° Max. (See adjoining diagram)