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NTI AG / LinMot
16 Error
Within the LinRS Intf SW several errors are supported, most of them can be disabled, because they are not
fatal. For the motion control specific errors refer to document [1].
16.1 LinRS Error Codes
In the table below the LinRS specific error codes are listed.
Checksum error
Message format error End of Telegram (04h) missing
Undefined Message Main ID
Undefined Message Sub ID
Wrong Baud Rate Defined With S1
Parameter Unknown UPID
Parameter Wrong Type
17 Troubleshooting
17.1 Stopping LinRS on B1100 Drives
If you have installed the LinRS firmware on a B1100 drive the RS-port is occupied by the LinRS, so no
configuration or login can be done over RS. It is recommended to use the USB to CAN converter. If you don’t
have one, you can follow the sequence below to have access over the RS port in the meantime.
1. Power down the B1100 servo
2. Launch the LinMot-Talk software (don’t login, it’s not possible)
3. Under: File / Install firmware select the stop script StopFirmware.sct and open it
4. Select the correct COM port
5. Power on the B1100 drive (24V Logic Supply)
6. The servo is now stopped (Message: Firmware successfully stopped!) during booting, before starting the
LinRS. Now the RS COM port is free for login and configuration or diagnostics.
This procedure can also be used to stop other drives over the RS232 link.