G10MT Sample Holder and
Sample Mapping
Sample mapping is only possible if you have
AV or DV (analogue video or digital
video) software and use the Sample Mapping Kit:
G10MT (10mm diameter tapered sample holder)
W10Q (10 x 0.3mm quartz Sample Window)
W9G (9 x 0.17mm glass sample window)
The G10MT Sample Holder (1) has a tapered
internal edge (2) to enable the straight edge of the
W10Q quartz Sample Window to locate firmly
inside the holder during the mapping process
G10MT Sample Holder
and Quartz Sample Window
Exchange the G10MT Sample Holder for the
G10MT (1) as shown on page 22.
The G10MT Sample Holder is slightly bent at
angle to one side. When installed correctly the
circular part of the holder should sit flat and press
on to the surface of the silver block.
Note: if the holder does not sit flat on the silver
block, turn the holder over.
Note: you can use a little force to bend the holder
to the correct position if necessary.
In Linksys32 software, Go to the ‘
MDS Setup’
Menu, (page 21) and in the ‘
Sample area’
make sure ‘
’ option is selected.