Rev. 0
Figure 6. Coolterm Options Setting
Figure 7. Coolterm Screen after Successful Linkage to SDP-K1
Figure 5. USB Serial Port Assignment Verification
b. Move the miniature shorting jumpers (10 places)
near P8, and P9 towards P8, and P9 (towards the
top side of the board) if not already.
5. Plug the USB cable into the PC and to the SDP-K1.
6. Launch Coolterm.
7. One Time Setup/Setting:
a. In Windows Device Manager look for the USB Se-
rial Device port used. COM7 is used in this case
as shown:
b. In Coolterm, click Options and set the Port pull-
down to the COM port found earlier (e.g. COM7).
Furthermore, set the baud rate to 115200 as show
below. Click OK to close. See Figure 6.
c. In Coolterm, click Connect, Disconnect, Connect in
succession until the following screen is displayed.
The register values may differ on your setup from
the values shown in Figure 7.