Rev. 0
The trackers show the minimum and maximum values of
the non-accumulated quantities (Current, Voltage, etc.).
Overwriting trackers is not possible from the plot win-
dow but can be done in the register map control, see the
Register Map section.
There are two ways to export the collected data as CSV
(comma-separated values) from the plot. Export to
Clipboard will copy the selected channel data to the clip-
board to be able to paste it to some other program like
MS Excel. Export to File allows the user to choose a file
to store the data. See Figure 31.
The CSV data can be easily imported into MS Excel using
the Text Import Wizard as shown in Figure 32.
All data is plotted over time, but the meaning of time dif-
fers for the two plots. Non-accumulated quantities (cur-
rent, voltage, etc.) are plotted over real time of the PC. The
time starts when the first values are read from the device
while in continuous mode or when the plots are cleared.
Figure 32. Import Plot CSV Data Into Excel
The accumulated quantities charge and energy are plotted
over the corresponding time base. Whenever a triplet of
charge, energy and time of any of the two accumulator
sets is read, it is added to the plot. Charge, energy and
time may be modified during measurement either by a
direct write or by issuing the Clear (Clear Accus, Trackers)
command. Doing so will result in a jump in the plot. If the
time base after this modification is lower than the last time
read, the plot will even go backwards. If this behavior is
not desired, it is recommended to clear accumulators and
trackers together with the plot data (Clear Accus, Trackers,
Plots) or clear the plot data manually (Clear All from the
plot’s context menu).
The Register Map allows direct access to all device
Registers/Values (see Figure 33). All data is shown in a
table where each cell corresponds to a single-byte register
or multiple-byte registers grouped to a single device value
like charge, energy and current.
Register values can be edited either by selecting a cell
and typing a new value or by double clicking on the cell
to modify the current value. New values are written to the