Rev. 0
LTC2947 after pressing enter or leaving the cell. An entered
value may be discarded by pressing the Escape button.
By clicking on any register header (e.g., Status) or right
clicking on any register value (shown underneath the
header), a context menu with the functions is shown:
1. Change cell’s display format.
2. Show cell/register details.
3. Write cell/register value to device.
4. Read cell/register value from device.
5. Select all cells.
6. Export all to Clipboard.
Figure 33. Register Map Control
Format and Details will be explained in the following para-
graphs. The Write and Read command will immediately
write or read the selected cell value to or from the device.
Select All will select all the cells. It is also possible to
select a range of cells or some individual cells by using
Ctrl or Shift key plus the mouse button. The procedure is
the same as for other Windows programs like MS Excel,
for example. The purpose of selecting more than one cell
is to read and write or change the formats of several cells
at once.
Each cell’s display format may be set to either Hexadecimal,
Decimal, Binary or Physical. The Physical format (in A,
As, W, V, etc.) is only available for cells having a physical
value representation as the measurement, tracking and
threshold values.