The DC1496B can be connected to a DC590 and used
with the QuikEval software. The DC590 connects to a PC
through USB. QuikEval automatically detects the demo
board and brings up the LTC2941/LTC2942 evaluation
software interface (Figure 3).
Compact and Detailed Form
When the interface is brought up, a compact form is fi rst
shown with a display for the accumulated charge register
(ACR), voltage ADC and temperature ADC. To expand the
form for a more detailed display of the LTC2941/LTC2942/
LTC2941-1/LTC2942-1 registers and board confi gurations,
click on Detail. To go back to the compact form, click on
Click on Start to begin a polling routine that refreshes the
interface every 1 second. Click on Stop to halt the poll-
ing. For a single update, click on Refresh. Each refresh
scans through the internal I
C registers and updates the
respective displays.
LTC2941 and LTC2942 Display
On a refresh or poll, the software reads Status bit A[7]
to determine communication with an LTC2941, LTC2942,
LTC2941-1 or LTC2942-1. When an LTC2941 is detected,
the voltage and temperature ADC and threshold displays
are not shown. Control bits B[7:6] confi gure VBAT Alert
for the LTC2941 and ADC Mode for the LTC2942.
ACR Display
The data in the ACR (registers C and D) is displayed in one
of three selected formats: Counter in coulombs, Counter
in mA • hour, battery gas gauge in mA • hour, and battery
gas gauge in charge percentage of battery. The two gas
gauge displays correspond to the battery gas gauge full
battery confi guration set in the detailed form.
Voltage and Temperature ADC (LTC2942, LTC2942-1)
Data from the Voltage ADC (registers I and J) and the
Temperature ADC (registers M and N) is displayed here
in Volts and Celsius.
Figure 3. LTC2941/LTC2942 QuikEval Interface
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