Linear Acoustic upMAX 2251 User Guide
Connections and Setup
Connect an AES plant reference signal to this connector (
not a video or word
clock reference
). The signal may be an AES Black or AES signal containing audio.
A valid AES signal is required on the AES REF connector for the system to
operate (not video or word clock).
Lt/Rt/Aux Output:
This is a combination balanced analog and AES compatible digital
output of the LtRt version of the main program audio.
Connect to the GPI/O outputs of your automation system or routing or master
control switcher to control special processor functions and recall presets. Note that GPI
A and B require a held contact closure to ground for the duration of the function. How-
ever, GPI 1-6 require only a momentary contact closure to ground; if held, other numer-
ical GPIs cannot be selected.
Automatically senses 10 or 100BASE-T Ethernet connectivity. The
MAX 2251 will appear on the network as: upMAX followed by the units serial number
(i.e. upMAX-04301 (your number will be different)). The units workgroup is defaulted
to WORKGROUP with no password. This connection is primarily used to support a
software remote control running on a standard PC clone via a standard network connec-
Metadata In:
Connect to the Professional Audio Metadata output of a VANC de-em-
bedder or Dolby E decoder to input external metadata (not currently supported, await-
ing public release of metadata specification by Dolby Laboratories).
Metadata Out:
Connect to the metadata input of a Dolby E or Dolby Digital encoder
(not currently supported, awaiting public release of metadata specification by Dolby
Front Panel
The front panel of the
MAX 2251contains a 5-inch color TFT display, four navi-
gation buttons (described in chapter 4, but reasonably simple to understand), a big
knob for changing various parameters, and a secret door disguised as our logo on the
left hand side.
What’s Behind Door #1?
Using a soft object (such as your finger), you can open the logo door from its left side,
and it will swing out revealing two very important features: a USB connection and a
red reset button.
The USB connector on the left is used for software upgrades. We will provide in-
structions and the memory card required for such a situation, but please
do not
nect any other device to this connector without first contacting us.