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Service & maintenance Atrium Plana
4.4 Water quality
– The water preparation and maintenance for the panel water circuit should be
handled by a specialist.
– To prevent corrosion, the water circuit must be airtight.
– The water system must also be equipped with aerators to remove any build-up air
in the system.
– The water should be oxygen free, to prevent corrosion.
– The water system must be filled with potable water that complies with the “EC
directive 98/83/EC”.
– pH value of water must be between approximately 6-9 pH
– The water velocities should not exceed 1m/s, and should be kept as close to the
nominal flow as possible to minimize noise and optimize the energy yield
– There should be used in-line strainers to remove dirt particles from the water.
– If the water contains any additive inhibitor this must be appropriate to use with
copper and solder.