Speed rating
Letter rating
168 mph (270 km/h)
186 mph (299 km/h)
Note: For tires with a maximum speed
capability over 149 mph (240 km/h), tire
manufacturers sometimes use the letters
ZR. For those with a maximum speed
capability over 186 mph (299 km/h), tire
manufacturers always use the letters
H. U.S. DOT Tire Identification Number
(TIN): This begins with the letters DOT
and indicates that the tire meets all
federal standards. The next two
numbers or letters are the plant code
designating where it was manufactured,
the next two are the tire size code and
the last four numbers represent the
week and year the tire was built. For
example, the numbers 317 mean the 31st
week of 1997. After 2000, the numbers
go to four digits. For example, 2501
means the 25th week of 2001. The
numbers in between are identification
codes used for traceability. This
information is used to contact customers
if a tire defect requires a recall.
I. M+S or M/S: Mud and Snow, or
AT: All Terrain, or
AS: All Season.
J. Tire Ply Composition and Material
Used: Indicates the number of plies or
the number of layers of rubber-coated
fabric in the tire tread and sidewall. Tire
manufacturers also must indicate the ply
materials in the tire and the sidewall,
which include steel, nylon, polyester,
and others.
K. Maximum Load: Indicates the
maximum load in kilograms and pounds
that can be carried by the tire. See the
Safety Compliance Certification Label
(affixed to either the door hinge pillar,
door-latch post, or the door edge that
meets the door-latch post, next to the
driver's seating position), for the correct
tire pressure for your vehicle.
L. Treadwear, Traction and
Temperature Grades:
*Treadwear The treadwear grade is a
comparative rating based on the wear
rate of the tire when tested under
controlled conditions on a specified
government test course. For example,
a tire graded 150 would wear one and
one-half times as well on the
government course as a tire graded 100.
2021 Nautilus (CD9) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 202011, First-Printing
Wheel and Tire Information