The following procedure assumes that the vehicle’s front structure is
properly aligned. If the vehicle has been in an accident requiring the
front end of the vehicle to be repaired, the horizontal indicator should be
recalibrated by the service facility.
Horizontal aim adjustment
1. With the hood open, locate the
horizontal indicator and adjusting
2. Use a 4 mm wrench to turn the
horizontal adjusting screw until the
reference mark on the reflector
extension aligns with the “0”
reference mark on the horizontal
indicator when viewed directly from
3. When the horizontal aim has been
adjusted, close the headlamp access
Vertical aim adjustment
The numbers shown on the vial indicate beam direction in degrees up or
1. Do not adjust the vertical aim until after adjusting the horizontal aim.
2. With the hood open, locate the
bubble level vertical aim indicator. It
is visible when viewed from the
above rear of the headlamp.
3. Use a 4 mm wrench to turn the
vertical adjusting screw until the
reference mark on the reflector
extension aligns with the “0”
reference mark on the vertical
indicator when viewed directly from
4. Close the hood.
Maintenance and care