License Limitations on Use:
You agree that your license to use
this Data is limited to and conditioned on use for solely personal,
noncommercial purposes, and not for service bureau, timesharing or other
similar purposes. Except as otherwise set forth herein, you agree not to
otherwise reproduce, copy, modify, decompile, disassemble or reverse
engineer any portion of this Data, and may not transfer or distribute it in
any form, for any purpose, except to the extent permitted by mandatory
License Limitations on Transfer:
Your limited license does not allow
transfer or resale of the Data, except on the condition that you may
transfer the Data and all accompanying materials on a permanent basis
if: (a) you retain no copies of the Data; (b) the recipient agrees to the
terms of this End User License Agreement; and (c) you transfer the Data
in the exact same form as you purchased it by physically transferring the
original media (e.g., the CD-ROM or DVD you purchased), all original
packaging, all Manuals and other documentation. Specifically, Multi-disc
sets may only be transferred or sold as a complete set as provided to you
and not as a subset thereof.
Additional License Limitations:
Except where you have been
specifically licensed to do so by NT in a separate written agreement, and
without limiting the preceding paragraph, your license is conditioned on
use of the Data as prescribed in this agreement, and you may not (a)
use this Data with any products, systems, or applications installed or
otherwise connected to or in communication with vehicles capable of
vehicle navigation, positioning, dispatch, real time route guidance, fleet
management or similar applications; or (b) with, or in communication
with, including without limitation, cellular phones, palmtop and handheld
computers, pagers, and personal digital assistants or PDAs.
This Data may contain inaccurate or incomplete
information due to the passage of time, changing circumstances,
sources used and the nature of collecting comprehensive geographic
Data, any of which may lead to incorrect results.
2013 MKX
Owners Guide gf, 3rd Printing