Idle Screen Test/Weld Modes
After preparing a program, it is recommended that
the user test the parameters before striking an arc.
The system allows for a test mode of all non-weld
functions such as travel, gas purge/flow, oscillation
and others.
Press the Weld/Test Selection button.
This example shows how to change the system from
the Test Mode to the Weld mode. The icon in the
Selection Button window indicates what mode the
system is in.
Auto Height is not an option while in Test Mode.
Pressing the Start/Stop Control Button will switch the
pendant from the Idle Screen to the Test Screen or
Weld Screen depending on which mode the user is in.
Static Screen Items
There are many icons common through the Idle, Weld
and Test screens. These items give helpful information
to the user throughout the setup and welding process.
1. Arc Time –
Indicates the amount of time spent
2. Heat Input –
Displays the amount of heat input
for the current weld in kilojoules/in or
3. Sector –
Displays the current sector in the weld
program, if applicable
4. Program Name –
Displays the currently loaded
weld program and program pass.
Note: Program Name changes to Italics when
program parameters have changed.
5. Oscillation Location –
Displays the relative location
of the oscillation axis.
6. Torch Height –
Displays the relative location of the
height axis.
The screen shot above –
FIGURE 10 - Static Items
– illustrates the icons that appear on the weld screen.
These icons are for information only and are not
selectable variables.
FIGURE 10 - Static Items