SMB/SB Installation and Maintenance Manual
140-11000 • July 2003
Flow Control Division
Limitorque Actuation Systems
8.4 SB-2
WARNING: See Section 4.1 and 4.2 on Safety Precautions and Safety Practices before proceeding with
WARNING: Extreme caution should be used in the disassembly and reassembly of the spring compensator
The SB-2 actuator is a basic SMB-2 actuator with the housing cover, drive sleeve, and locknut modified to provide spring compression
to the stem nut. The disassembly/assembly procedure for the SMB-2 is applicable (Sections 7.3.1, SMB-0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 4T
Disassembly and Section 7.3.2, SMB-0, 1, 2, 4, and 4T Reassembly), with the following procedures replacing Step 11 and stem nut
removal procedure.
8.4.1 SB-2 Disassembly/Stem Nut Removal
Piece numbers refer to Figure 8.4.
1. Remove
Spring Housing Cover (piece #161).
Remove Spring Cartridge (piece #173), complete with Belleville Springs (piece #179), Thrust Washers (piece #178), Thrust
Limit Sleeve (piece #199), and Spring Retainer Cap (piece #180).
NOTE: The spring assembly should not be disassembled unless absolutely necessary.
To disassemble the compensator spring cartridge:
a. Remove the Spring Retainer Cap (piece #180). Be careful to remove the set screws securing the Spring Retainer Cap to the
Spring Cartridge before trying to remove locknut.
b. Lift off the Thrust Washer (piece #178), the Belleville Springs (piece #179), and the Thrust Limit Sleeve (piece #199).
To reassemble the Spring Cartridge:
a. Position the Belleville Springs (piece #179) between the two Thrust Washers (piece #178) as shown in Figure 8.4.
b. Thread Spring Retainer Cap (piece #180) onto the Spring Cartridge (piece #173) until it hits the shoulder on the cartridge.
c. Reinstall set screws or drill and tap for new set screw locations.
3. Remove
Thrust Sleeve (piece #168), complete with the Bearing Cup (piece #169) and the Bearing Cone (piece #170).
4. Read Step 6. Remove the Spring Housing (piece #163).
5. Remove
Drive Sleeve in accordance with Step 12 of Section 7.3.1, SMB-0, 1, 2, 4, and 4T Disassembly. If only the
Stem Nut (piece #20) is to be removed, see Step 6.
6. If the actuator is not on the valve, lift the Stem Nut (piece #20) directly from the actuator. If the actuator is on the valve,
bolt a support bar across the top of the actuator Housing to hold the Bearing Cone (piece #77) and the Bearing Cup (piece #78)
in place.
a. Place the actuator in hand operation.
b. Rotate the Handwheel in the direction to effect a downward movement of the stem—usually the close direction. The
Stem Nut will climb up the stem until it clears its splines.
c. Rotate the Stem Nut off the stem.