1. Power On and Off
1.1 Press the ON/OFF button to turn the unit on.
1.2 Press ON/OFF button one more time to turn it off.
2. Zero: Press ZERO button at any position to set Zero
3. Mm/inch: Press mm/inch button to switch between mm and inch
4. ABS/INC: Press ABS/INC button to switch between absolute and relative measurements
5. Tolerance:
5.1 Press “TOL” button to activate tolerance setting mode. will be shown on display.
5.2 Move the spindle so the maximum allowed reading is displayed then press “TOL” once
will be displayed. Move the spindle to the minimum allowed reading and press “TOL”.
5.4 “OK” will be shown on the display that means the two allowed reading is set.
5.5 “OK” flash indicates out of tolerance. Press “ZERO” to exit tolerance mode.