© Copyright 2003-2017 LILY by Mota Group, Inc. All rights reserved
solid green, which means calibration goes well. Or you will need to
adjust the aircraft’s angle once again. The app will automatically jump
to the next step once it’s done.
3.Keep the aircraft head downwards vertically (the Aircraft Status
Indicator will turn solid white if it’s set to the required angle). Slowly
rotate it 2-3 times. During this rotation, make sure the indicator stays
solid white, which means calibration goes well. Or you will need to
adjust the aircraft’s angle once again.
4.The app will notify you once the calibration is completed. At this
point, the Aircraft Status Indicator will show the aircraft’s actual status.
After the horizontal calibration, immediately begin the vertical calibration, don’t
stop midway.
The calibration will Lily effective immediately (no need to restart the aircraft).
Flight Protections
In order to ensure safe use and to avoid damage, we have fitted Lily with multiple flight
protection measures:
If the battery level gets too low or a major failure occurs, Lily will immediately
initiate landing.
If both the GPS and the optic flow and ultrasonic positioning systems are not
working, Lily will start to hover until the positioning status returns to normal or user
lands it. But if the battery level gets too low while hovering, Lily will initiate landing.
If the Wi-Fi connection is lost or the app drops out, Lily will return and land if the
GPS positioning is being used, or initiate landing.
If the optic flow and ultrasonic positioning are being used.
When the app is minimized or you get a phone call, Lily will start to hover until
you are back to the app. But if the battery level gets too low while hovering, Lily will
initiate landing.
When flying indoor or outdoor where are crowds of people, please add propeller
protector for aircraft.
Connecting Lily to a Mobile Device
The default SSID(Wi-Fi name) is like LILY- NGXXXXXX. Click to connect this SSID, and
input the default password: lilydrone. You can change them in “App Settings”.
Check that the drone is connected to Wi-Fi, that its battery level is full, and that the optic flow
positioning and the GPS positioning status are normal. If so, it’s ready to fly.