Your new LilliPad Diving Board is easily lowered for safe boating,
docking or rafting.
You can also quickly and easily remove the LilliPad Diving Board
completely from your boat for safe storage by removing the three eye
bolts that secure the frame to the floor of the boat and removing the
retaining pins.
When the LilliPad Diving Board is not being used, it should be stored in
the lowered position with a LilliPad Protective Cover in place to shield
the grip tape from ultraviolet (UV) rays and extend the life of the
product. When removed from the boat the diving platform should also
be covered to protect the grip tape from scratching.
Following simple care and maintenance procedures, sticking to a schedule and using only LilliPad
designed components will help to extend the life of your LilliPad Diving Board.
To protect your LilliPad Diving Board from harsh ultraviolet rays and to prevent the build-up of marine
growth it is recommended that the diving board is removed after each day of use, wiped with a dry
cloth, and stored in a dry and covered location or dried and covered with a LilliPad Protective Cover.
Apply spray silicone to the following areas to insure proper lubrication for
smooth movement and to prevent squeaking, as needed.
White UHMW bushings where bushings meet the aluminum tube
Inside the shock tube where the Urethane Spring touches the inside of the tube (remove shock and turn upside
Button Lock Pins
To increase the life of your LilliPad Diving Board it is recommended that the following parts be replaced within the
timeframe listed below:
Grip Tape
¼” X 2 ¼” Quick Release Pin
Every 2 years
3/8” X 2” Quick Release Pins
Every 2 years
3/8” X 1 ½” Button Lock Pin
Every 2 years
½” X 2 ½” Clevis Pin with Key
Every 2 years
6mm Machine Screws
Every 5 years
10mm Eye Bolts
Every 5 years
Under-Floor Mounting Plates
Every 5 years
Shock Assembly
Every 5 years
Surface Mount Plates
Every 5 years