Chapter 3-5-2 Video Advanced
There are three ways including HTTP, unicast, and multicast for transmitting
H.264 AVC over a network. By default, please select HTTP for reliable
network protocol. UDP unicast and multicast are for advanced use.
There are programming required for UDP unicast and multicast.
Default Streaming: HTTP over TCP/unicast over UDP unicast
Unicast Start Port: Starting port number for a unicast H.264 AVC
Unicast End Port: Ending port number for a unicast H.264 AVC
Total H.264 AVC sessions are 5 connections.
Unicast Suspend Period: Unicast time out period to avoid network flood.
Multicast Enable multicast H.264 AVC streaming
Multicast IP: Multicast IP address
Multicast Port: Port number for the multicast IP address
Stream Type: MPEG streaming type
Profile: Main profile can provide better compression rate and video
quality than baseline.
Level: H.264 compression level
Picture width and height: Video resolution