4.3 Connection of the shield
For signals transmission always use shielded cables. The cable shielding must be
connected properly to the metal ring nut of the connector in order to ensure a
good earthing through the frame of the device.
4.4 Ground connection
Minimize noise by connecting the shield and/or the connector housing and/or
the sensor to ground. Make sure that ground is not affected by noise. The
connection point to ground can be situated both on the device side and on
user’s side. The best solution to minimize the interference must be carried out by
the user.
4.5 Zero setting/Preset input
The output position information at a point in the shaft rotation can be set
either to 0 (SSI interface) or to a desired value called preset (BiSS C interface;
the preset value has to be set next to the registers
Zero setting/Preset input allows the operator to activate the zero/preset value
through an input signal sent by a PLC or other controller. This can be very useful
for setting the zero position of both the sensor and the machine. To activate the
zero setting/preset function, connect the Zero setting/Preset input to +VDC for
100 µs at least, then discVDC; normally voltage must be at 0VDC; Zero
setting/Preset must be set after Counting direction. We suggest setting the
zero/preset when the encoder is in stop. If not used, connect the Zero
setting/Preset input to 0VDC.
In the BiSS interface the preset can be activated also by using the
parameters and activate Preset
detailed information please refer to the
registers on page 27 and the
4.6 Counting direction input
It is also referred to as Complementary input.
standard counting direction
is to be intended with ring turning as
indicated by the arrow in Figure 1. The counting direction circuit allows to
reverse the counting direction. In other words it allows the count up when the
ring turns in reverse of the standard direction, i.e. in the opposite direction to
the one shown by the arrow in Figure 1. Connect the Counting direction input
to 0VDC if not used. Connect the counting direction input to 0VDC to have an
increasing count when the ring turns as indicated by the arrow in Figure 1;
connect the counting direction input to +VDC to have an increasing count