AMx36 • SSI & BiSS C-mode
Information per revolution
[4B … 4D, rw]
These registers allow to set a custom number of information per revolution
(singleturn resolution). You are allowed to enter any integer value which is a
power of 2 (1, 2, 4, …, 2,048, 4,096, …) and is less than or equal to the number
of physical information per revolution (= default value). Values which are not
the power of 2 cannot be accepted. If you set a value greater than the
maximum allowed value, then the parameter is forced to the default value.
The setting in the
immediately after transmission. Use the
function to store the new value permanently (set “01” in the register 48
You can see the number of bits used for the current singleturn resolution at the
register 56
N° of bits used for singleturn resolution
Default = 10 00 00h (1,048,576 cpr, 20 bits)
Min. value: 00 00 01h
Max. value: 10 00 00h
After having entered a new value next to the
registers, the system zero sets the preset, thus you need to set it again, if
Number of revolutions
[4E - 4F, rw]
These registers allow to enter a custom number of revolutions (multiturn
resolution). You are allowed to enter any value which is less than or equal to the
number of physical revolutions (= default value). If you set a value greater than
the maximum allowed value, then the parameter is forced to the default value.
The setting in the
registers will be active immediately
new value permanently (set “01” in the register 48
You can see the number of bits used for the current multiturn resolution at the
register 57
N° of bits used for multiturn resolution
Min. value: 00 01h (= 1 revolution)
Max. value (not power of 2): FF FFh (= 65,535 revolutions)
Max. value: 00 00h (= 65,536 revolutions, 16 bits, default)
The hexadecimal value 00 00h is intended to set the maximum number of
revolutions you are allowed to enter, that is: 65,536 revolutions; the
hexadecimal values comprised between 00 01h and FF FFh set the number of
revolutions between 1 and 65,535 revolutions.
00 00h = 65,536 revolutions
00 01h = 1 revolution
00 02h = 2 revolutions
MAN AMx36 SSI_BiSS E 1.1.odt
6 - BiSS C-mode interface
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