Section 8
Trouble Shooting
The remote control can be tested by watching the iTimer display while any button is
pressed on the remote control. If the remote ‘command’ is received, the iTimer will dis-
play a message briefly. With two people, the remote’s ‘range’ can be determined using
this test.
Action / Remedy
No lights
No ‘On’ command
Lights stay off when power applied until an ON
command is sent.
Press Garden On using the remote control
No Power to lights
Check 230V supply to light circuit
No Power to Indoor Control
Check Indoor Unit, LCD display is on and but-
tons operate as expected.
Remote out of ‘range’
Test lights without the remote control using the
ON button at the iTimer.
Lights changing
by themselves
‘Light Show’ is running Press ALL ON or ALL OFF to stop the show.
Battery low/missing/wrong
Check the red LED blinks strongly on the remote
control when any button is pressed. If not check
batteries are good and fitted correctly.
Remote Control Handset
Out of ‘range’*
Maximum range can be under 100m
indoors. To check remote, stand next to a Light-
ing Control Module outside.
Radio Interference*
Other wireless equipment causing interference
such as car/house alarm, police radio, mobile
iPhone not working
Wifi Status or Config menu is
” key to exit menu and return to clock