When a load is rolled onto the platform, the lift table should be fully lowered. The axle load
stamped on the name plate should not be exceeded.
Table 3-1 covers important points on the lift table which should be checked prior to operation.
Depending on use, some lift tables may require additional checks. When the lift table is used on
a round-the clock basis, it should be examined after each shift.
Figure 3-1 shows a sample format for a Operator Check List which can be modified as necessary
to fit your operation.
WARNING: Periodic maintenance of this lift table by a QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN is required.
CAUTION: A QUALIFIED SERVICE TECHNICIAN should check the lift table monthly for proper
lubrication, proper fluid levels, motor maintenance and other areas specified in Section 4.
WARNING: If the lift table is found to be unsafe and in need of repair, or contributes to an
unsafe condition, report it immediately to the designated authority. Do not operate it until it
has been restored to a safe condition. Do not make any unauthorized repairs or adjustments.
All service must be performed by a qualified maintenance technician.