Suggested Tips To Help Maximize System Benefits
Glass Shower Doors
To prevent lime scale buildup, buff shower doors with Rain-X or Liquid Furniture Wax.
Waxes and Rain-X seal the pores in glass and promote water sheeting off glass,
preventing soap scum buildup. Simply buff on and off every two months for crystal
clear shower doors.
Washing Machines
Clean water from your LifeSource System cleans better. For best results reduce soap
usage by about 75%. Do not use single dose detergent packs or pods. Packs or pods
will overwhelm your washing machine and clothes with excess soap. Excess soap will
remain in clothes after rinse cycle.
Automatic Dishwashers
To reduce water spots on glassware & dishes, reduce soap usage about 75%. Do no
use single-use dishwasher detergents, (Pods, Packs or Tabs). These will overwhelm
your dishwasher with excess soap. Excess soap will cause excess water spots and
glazing. We recommend Cascade Complete. One teaspoon of Cascade Complete
detergent and 1 teaspoon of Sour Salt*, (Citric Acid) or Glass Magic, as a rinsing
agent, will produce excellent results.
Lime or Soap Scum Buildup
If you currently have lime buildup in your dishwasher, we suggest pouring a tablespoon
of sour salt (Citric Acid) into the bottom of your dishwasher. Run one empty cycle with
no soap or dishes to remove excess detergent and mineral deposits. Hot water must be
at least 130 degrees.
* Citric Acid – Also known as 'sour salt.' Citric acid is a natural acidic ingredient
found in all citrus fruits and is used primarily in sausage making or canning to
keep fruits from discoloring. Sour Salt is the most effective, natural and
inexpensive cleaning agent for mineral deposits available.