FL Color User Guide
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
For additional technical support, contact your local EVOS
distributor. If you do not have
your distributor information, contact Technical Support (page 54).
Image Quality Issues
Possible Solutions
Misaligned overlay image
Re-capture images in each channel.
Transmitted light image is too dim (at
higher magnifications)
Set the phase annuli selector to the BF position.
Remove condenser slider, if one is in place.
Remove light shield box, if it is in place.
Uneven focus across screen
Position specimen flat on the stage; be sure the specimen’s
thickness is even.
Trouble focusing on coverslipped
specimen on standard slide
Place the slide so the coverslip is facing up (long working-
distance objectives require a thick optical substrate, and image
best through 1.0 to 1.5 mm of glass or plastic).
LCD screen is black
Click the LIGHT ON button (onscreen).
Move objective selection wheel so that light shines through
Verify that the phase annuli selector on condenser is not stuck
between settings.
Center specimen over objective.
Verify power supply is connected and power switch is on.
LCD screen is red, or red patches
cover parts of the screen
Dim the illumination until the red highlights disappear to get
the maximum level of brightness without any overexposed
Disable the “Highlight saturated pixels in red” option in the
Settings: Basic tab.