7. T
7.1.6 E
EXTREME HR Workout is an intense workout for more
experienced users. This workout is used to add variety to your
workout and break through training plateaus. Like running
sprints, this exercise raises and lowers your heart rate between
two different goals. The objective is to get your heart rate up
and down as quickly as possible. Youll begin with a standard
3-minute warm up. After warm-up, the resistance is ramped up
until the heart rate reaches your Target Heart Rate. This pace is
then maintained during stabilizing period. Following this, the
resistance is reduced to your lower level. When your heart rate
recovers to 75% THR, it is maintained there for a stabilizing
period. Then, the cross-trainer again ramps the resistance back
up until your heart rate reaches the THR. This will continue until
the workout time youve set is ended.
7.1.7 S
Sport Training is based on a random workout with smoother transitions between hills and valleys. This workout simulates conditions
experienced outdoors and is a true athletic challenge for all fitness levels.
Whatever level you choose defines the baseline (flat ground) for your workout. Any level above baseline simulates uphill conditions.
Any level below baseline simulates going downhill.
7.1.8 R
RANDOM gives you a workout with an endless variety of changing resistance levels and patterns. The Life Fitness on-board
computer randomly selects hill and valley terrain which varies with each and every workout, resulting in more than one million
combinations. Because resistance levels are greater here than in the Hill workout, it is recommended that you set your workout level
one or two levels below the workout level you would normally select for the Hill workout.
7.1.9 M
MANUAL is a steady-pace workout that lets you change the resistance at any time during your workout. The resistance levels here
are equal to those of the highest hill encountered in the Hill workout at the same effort level. Therefore, it is recommended you start
the Manual workout at about three to four levels lower than the level you normally use on the Hill workout. Remember, you can
always increase or decrease your resistance at any time.
Use the Manual workout to create your own personal
interval training workout by varying the level of effort
during the course of the workout session. Just work at
a high level until the upper end of the target heart rate
zone is reached. Then lower the level and pedal until
your heart rate drops to the bottom of the target zone.
Now, raise the level again until the heart rate rises
back to the top of your target zone. Repeating this process will actually create hills and valleys.
7.1.10 EZ R
EZ RESISTANCE Workout is an incline-based workout simulated by using resistance that makes working out more enjoyable. As
you work out, the gradual changes in resistance as you climb the hill are so subtle, you dont realize youre working harder.
The peak of the hill is directly related to your chosen level and will be reached after 75% of your workout duration. Then, the
resistance will start moving back down to zero percent. The result is an effective and efficient cardiovascular workout thats enjoyable
from the first step to the last.
7.1.11 C
Life Fitness unique Cool-Down sequence automatically customizes every cool-down to balance your workout performance. Factors
such as resistance and duration are considered in determining the duration and intensity of the cool-down. If you like, you can
manually adjust Cool-Down resistance levels by continually pressing the Cool-Down button.