is the fastest way to begin exercising, and it bypasses the specific steps of selecting a
specific workout program. After the QUICK START button (Touchscreen Display) or key (Control Panel) is
pressed, a MANUAL workout begins. For METs, Watts, Calories Burned/Calories per Hour to be computed
and displayed during a workout, select the ENTER WEIGHT button which is required to calculate these
The speed is set to the minimum level. To change the speed and stay in the Workout Progress screen,
press the UP or DOWN ARROW KEYS on the Control Panel, corresponding to the SPEED button. Speed
can also be changed by touched the SPEED button on the Touchscreen Display, which accesses the
speed Setup Screen.
The incline level is set to zero by default. To change the incline and stay in the Workout Progress screen,
press the UP or DOWN ARROW KEYS on the Control Panel, corresponding to the INCLINE button.
Incline can also be changed by touching the INCLINE button on the Touchscreen Display which accesses
the incline Setup Screen.
is the fastest way to begin exercising using preset values defining
WALK, JOG and RUN speeds. After a WALK, JOG or RUN button is pressed, a MANUAL workout
begins. For METs, Watts, Calories Burned/Calories per Hour to be computed and displayed during a work-
out, select the ENTER WEIGHT button which is required to calculate these values.
The WALK, JOG and RUN speeds are set to preset default values. To change the speed and stay in the
Workout Progress screen, press a different WALK, JOG and RUN button on the screen. The speed will
change to the corresponding preset value. The speed can also be changed using the UP or DOWN
ARROW KEYS on the Control Panel, corresponding to the SPEED button or selecting the SPEED button
on the Touchscreen Display, which accesses the speed Setup Screen.
The preset values for WALK, JOG and RUN speeds can be changed using the SET button. Pressing the
SET button will display the GO SYSTEM Setup screen. Select the desired WALK, JOG or RUN speed
type, enter a new value using the NUMERIC KEYPAD and select ENTER to accept the new value.
Repeat as desired for the remaining preset values. Press the back button to return to the Workout
Progress screen. The new preset values will be set only for the current workout. The WALK, JOG and
RUN speeds will return to default values upon the workout completion.
The incline level is set to zero by default. To change the incline and stay in the Workout Progress screen,
press the UP or DOWN ARROW KEYS on the Control Panel, corresponding to the INCLINE button.
Incline can also be changed by touching the INCLINE button on the Touchscreen Display which accesses
the incline Setup Screen.
program is a constant effort workout in which the user can change resistance
level or speed at any time.
Defined by the American College of Sports Medicine's "Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription" as equal to
220 minus an individual’s age.
* Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum (HRmax). A 40-year-old user's recommended
THR for the FAT BURN workout is 117, or 65 percent of the maximum, so the equation would be (220-40)*.65 = 117.
** Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum (HRmax). A 40-year-old user's recommended THR
for the CARDIO workout is 144, or 80 percent of the maximum; so the equation would be (220-40)*.80 = 144.