Elias Steam Loco, 29
Tramway locomotives, like the
Elias, were lightweight and easy
to operate, usually by just one
engineer. They were inexpensive
to purchase and maintain, and as
a result, they were widely used
around the world.
The distinctive feature of these
locos is the housing that encloses
the boiler and drivetrain. The
tracks of small railways often
were on or alongside unpaved
public roads, and the housing pro-
tected the running gear and boiler
from dust. Also, the housing made
these locos look more like a
horse-drawn carriage, and so,
they didn’t startle the many hor-
ses that still were used in city traf-
fic. Rooftop condensers reduced
exhaust fumes.
This detailed model features:
- weather-resistant construction
- prototypical livery and lettering
- authentic steam piping and bell
- roof mounted condensers
- detailed cab interior with gauges
and engineer
- protected gearbox with seven-
pole Bühler motor
- four powered wheels
- one traction tire
- three headlight lanterns
- reliable “flat” multi-purpose socket
- six power pick-ups (4 wheel,
2 shoe)
- length: 245 mm (9.6 in)
- weight: 1400 g (3.1 lb)
This model is part of the LGB pro-
gram of quality G-scale trains and
accessories. With this model, we
- 30504 3rd & 4th Class Compart-
ment Car
- 30503 4th Class Compartment
- 40240 Gondola, Platform, Brown
- 41352 Steam Sound Car, 2 axle
For more information on the com-
plete LGB program, see the LGB
Multi-Train System
This model has a “D” gearbox and
decoder interface. It can be equip-
ped with an LGB Multi-Train
System Decoder (55020) using a
Decoder Interface Cable (55026).
For more information, contact
your authorized LGB retailer or an
LGB service station (see Factory
Service). We recommend factory
installation of decoders (see Fac-
tory Service).
This model has three lanterns on
the front of the loco.
This model has a “flat” multi-pur-
pose socket, with a removable
cover, on the rear of the loco. This
socket can be used to provide
track power to cars with lighting or
sound electronics.
To remove the cover of the
socket, pull it straight out. If the
cover is tight, gently use a small
tool, like a small straight screwdri-
ver, to pry it out. (Do not pull out
the rectangular outer housing.)
If your cars have the older,
“round” lighting connectors, use
the Light Socket Adapter (68334).
Power Supply
Attention! For safety and reliabi-
lity, operate this model with LGB
power supplies (transformers,
power packs and controls) only.
The use of non-LGB power sup-
plies may void your warranty.
For more information on LGB
power supplies for indoor, outdoor
and multi-train operation, see the
LGB catalog.
Attention! After extended opera-
tion, this model may leave a small
amount of carbon dust around the
track. This dust can stain carpet
and other materials. The user
assumes full responsibility for any
Attention! Improper service may
void your warranty. For factory
authorized service, contact an
authorized retailer or send this
product to an LGB service station
(see Factory Service).
The axle bearings should be lubri-
cated occasionally with a small
amount of LGB Maintenance Oil
This model can be cleaned using
a mild detergent and gentle stre-
am of water. Do not immerse this
model. If this model is equipped
with sound electronics, do not
expose the speaker directly to water.