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Summary of Contents for S12SWC

Page 1: before operating your set and retain it for future reference AIR CONDITIONER The equipment complies with requirements of the Technical Regulation in terms of restrictions for the use of certain dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment MODELS WALL MOUNTED ...

Page 2: ...ow vertically or horizontally to circulate indoor air Speed up the fan to cool or warm indoor air quickly in a short period of time Open windows regularly for ventilation as the indoor air quality may deteriorate if the air conditioner is used for many hours Clean the air filter once every 2 weeks Dust and impurities collected in the air filter may block the air flow or weaken the cooling dehumidi...

Page 3: ...h the appliance When the power cord is to be replaced replacement work shall ve performed by authorized personnel only using only genuine replacement parts If the supply cord is damaged it must be replaced by the manufacturer its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard Installation Use a standard circuit breaker and fuse conforming with the rating of the air conditi...

Page 4: ...without ventilation Ventilate the place regularly Failure to do so may result in explosion or fire When there is a gas leak ventilate sufficiently before using the air conditioner again Failure to do so may result in explosion or fire Unplug the power plug if there is a noise smell or smoke coming from the air conditioner Failure to do so may result in explosion or fire Stop operating and close th...

Page 5: ...ditioner or spray water Use a smooth cloth It may result in serious injury or product failure Never touch the metal parts of the air conditioner when you remove the air filter It may result in se rious injury or product failure Do not place any objects on the air conditioner It may result in product failure Always insert the filter securely after cleaning Clean the filter every two weeks or more o...

Page 6: automatically at a set time 12 Turning off the air conditioner auto matically at a set time 12 Canceling the timer setting 12 Setting sleep mode 13 ADVANCED FUNCTIONS 13 Changing room temperature quickly 13 Indoor air purification 13 Auto Clean operation 14 Plasmaster Purification operation 14 Auto operation 14 Auto Changeover operation 15 Energy saving cooling mode 15 Display screen brightness...

Page 7: ...on lamps and their locations may vary depending on the model of the air conditioner 7 BEFORE USE ENGLISH Indoor unit The feature can be changed according a type of model The feature can be changed according a type of model Operation ranges The table below indicates the temperature ranges the air conditioner can be operated within Mode Indoor temperature outdoor temperature Cooling 18 C 32 C 18 C 4...

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Page 16: ...ain after a power failure this function restores the previous settings This function is a fac tory default setting 1 Open the front cover Lift up both sides of the cover slightly 2 Press the On Off button and hold it for 6 seconds The unit will beep twice and the lamp will blink 6 times To re enable the function press the On Off button and hold it for 6 seconds The unit will beep twice and the blu...

Page 17: ... other wise it may cause electric shock Never use water that is hotter than 40 C when you clean the filters It may cause deforma tion or discoloration Never use volatile substances when you clean the filters They may damage the surface of the product Do not washed the 3M filter with water because the filter can be damaged NOTE The location and shape of the filters may differ depending on the model...

Page 18: sides of the cover slightly The feature can be changed according a type of model 3 Hold the knob of the air filter lift it up slightly and remove it from the unit The feature can be changed according a type of model 4 Clean the filter with a vacuum cleaner or with warm water If dirt is difficult to remove wash the fil ter in lukewarm water with detergent 5 Dry the filter in the shade ...

Page 19: ...r Water leaks from the indoor unit even when the humidity level is low The power cord is damaged or generating excessive heat A switch a circuit breaker safety ground or a fuse is not operated properly The air conditioner does not work The air conditioner is unplugged Check whether the power cord is plugged into the outlet A fuse is blown or the power supply is blocked Replace the fuse or check if...

Page 20: ... the current temperature There is a heating source nearby Avoid using a heat generator such as an electric oven or a gas burner while the air conditioner is in operation Air circulation opera tion is selected In the air circulation operation air blows from the air conditioner without cooling or heating the indoor air Switch the opera tion mode to the cooling operation It is not possible to adjust ...

Page 21: ... перш ніжпочинати користуватися приладом і зберігайте його для подальшого використання Обладнання відповідає вимогам Технічних правил стосовно обмежень застосування певних речовин у електричному та електронному середовищі МОДЕЛІ НАСТІННА КЕРІВНИЦТВО КОРИСТУВАЧА www lg com ...

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Page 23: ...Якщо шнур живлення пошкоджений з метою уникнення небезпеки він повинен бути замінений виробником його представником по технічному обслуговуванню або відповідно кваліфікованим спеціалістом ...

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Page 41: ...i diqqat bilan o qib chiqing va kelajakda foydalanish uchun saqlab qo ying MODELLAR DEVORGA O RNATILADIGAN Uskuna elektr va elektronika asbob uskunalarida ma lum xavfli mod dalardan foydalanish cheklovlari bilan bog liq texnik me yor talablariga javob beradi O ZBEK TILI www lg com KONDITSIONERI ...

Page 42: ...ichidagi havoni aylantirish uchun havo oqimini vertikal yoki gorizontal yo nalishda sozlang Xona ichidagi havoni tez qisqa muddatda sovutish yoki isitish uchun ventilyator tezligini oshiring Xonani shamollatish uchun oynalarni muntazam ravishda ochib boring chunki havo kondit sioneridan uzoq vaqt foydalanilgan hollarda xona havosining sifati buzilishi mumkin Havo filtrini har 2 haftada tozalab tur...

Page 43: xodimi yoku shunga o xshash malakali kishilar olmashtirishi shart Bolalar jihoz bilan o ynamasligiga erishish uchun nazorat qilinishi shart ko rsatmalarisiz foydalanishga mo ljallanmagan O rnatish Havo konditsionerining nominal kuchlanishiga muvofiq standart avtomat va saqlagichdan foydalaning Aks holda bu elektr toki urishiga yoki jihozda nosozlikka olib kelishi mumkin Konditsionerni o rnatgan...

Page 44: sabab bo lishi mumkin Gaz sizib chiqqan holatlarda havo konditsionerini ishlatishdan oldin xonani yaxshilab shamollatib yu boring Aks holda bu portlash yoki yong inga sabab bo lishi mumkin Havo konditsioneridan shovqin xid yoki tutun chiqsa uning quvvat simini darrov rozetkadan uzing Aks holda bu portlash yoki yong inga sabab bo lishi mumkin Bo ron yoki dovul paytida foydalanishni to xtating va...

Page 45: ...sitalarini yoki eritgichlardan foydalanmang yoki jihozga suv sepmang Yumshoq matodan foydalaning Aks holda bu jiddiy jarohat yetishi yoki ji hozda nosozlik olib kelishi mumkin Havo filtrini olayotganda hech qachon metal qismlariga tegmang Aks holda bu jiddiy jarohat yetishi yoki jihozda nosozlik olib kelishi mumkin Havo konditsioneri ustiga hech narsa qo ymang Bu jihozda nosozlikka olib kelishi mu...

Page 46: ...oner ini avtomatik tarzda ishga tushirish 12 Belgilangan vaqtda havo konditsioneri avtomatik tarzda o chirish 12 Taymerni bekor qilish 12 Uyqu rejimini o rnatish 13 QO SHIMCHA FUNKSIYALAR 13 Xona haroratini tez o zgartirish 13 Xona havosini tozalash 13 Avtomatik tozalash 14 Plasmasterni tozalash amali 14 Avtomatik ishlash 14 Avtomatik qayta sozlash amali 15 Energiyani tejagan holda sovitish rejimi...

Page 47: ...rtikal jalyuza va gorizontal kurak ESLATMA Havo konditsioneri modeliga bog liq ravishda boshqarish lampalarining soni va ularning joy lashishi farq qilishi mumkin 7 FOYDALANISHDAN AVVAL O ZBEK TILI Ichki blok Model turiga ko ra xususiyat o zgartirilishi mumkin Model turiga ko ra xususiyat o zgartirilishi mumkin Ish harorati diapazonlari Quyidagi jadvalda konditsioner ishlashi mumkin bo lgan harora...

Page 48: ...Plasmaster ionlash qurilmasi havodagi bakteriya va zararli moddalarni sterillaydi Havo aylanishi IONLASH qurilmasi tugmasi ...

Page 49: ... Xususiyat model turiga qarab o zgartirilishi mumkin Xususiyat model turiga qarab o zgartirilishi mumkin ...

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Page 51: ...fikr bildirmoq tezlik yuqori muhit past tabiiy shamol ...

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Page 54: ...igi mumkin Ishlab turgan vaqtda Plasmaster ionlash qurilmasiga tegmang Avtomatik qayta sozlash amali Ushbu rejim o rnatilgan haroratni 2 C 35 6 F da ushlab turish uchun ishlatish rejimini avtomatik tarzda o zgartiradi 1 Quvvatni yoqish uchun ni bosing 2 Avtomatik qayta sozlash amalini tanlash uchun ni qayta qayta bosing Displey ekranida ko rsatiladi 3 Istalgan haroratni o rnatish uchun yoki ni bos...

Page 55: ... C F Harorat birligini o zgartirish Xona harorati TUGMASI 5 soniya bosib turilsa harorat birligi C dan F ga yoki F dan C ga o zgaradi ...

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Page 57: ... qurilmasini tozalash Ixtiyoriy Eslatma Plasmaster ionlash qurilmasi ba zi modellarga kiritilmasligi mumkin Elektr quvvatini o chiring va quvvat kabelini using Changni artib olish uchun quruq paxtali tayoqchadan foydalaning 6 oy Plasmaster ionlash qurilmasini tozalash ga qarang ...

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